iPhone 7 – Rumors and its Design
The iPhone 7 will be released at the end of 2016, so it’s still several months off. Apple’s current flagship devices are theiPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus, released to the public in September of 2015. Though we have months to go until the iPhone 7 launches, rumors have already been trickling out, giving us some details on what we might see when the device is released.
Recently it has been confirmed that iPhone is releasing its new phone iPhone 5se on March 2016.
More: https://techprior.wordpress.com/2016/01/27/new-iphone-is-releasing-this-march-not-september/
More: https://techprior.wordpress.com/2016/01/27/new-iphone-is-releasing-this-march-not-september/
iPhone History
2007 – iPhone
2008 – iPhone 3G
2009 – iPhone 3GS
2010 – iPhone 4 (new design)
2011 – iPhone 4s
2012 – iPhone 5 (new design)
2013 – iPhone 5s
2014 – iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus (new design)
2015 – iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus
2016 – iPhone 7 and ……………….(unknown)
2007 – iPhone
2008 – iPhone 3G
2009 – iPhone 3GS
2010 – iPhone 4 (new design)
2011 – iPhone 4s
2012 – iPhone 5 (new design)
2013 – iPhone 5s
2014 – iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus (new design)
2015 – iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus
2016 – iPhone 7 and ……………….(unknown)

Design – iPhone 7
Talking about the new design about iPhone 7 following assumptions are made:
1. No Headphone Jack
2.Wireless Charging
3. Wireless earphones & Powerful Battery

1. No Headphone Jack
Apple may be able to decrease the thickness of the iPhone 7 by up to 1mm by eliminating the headphone jack and instead adopting an all-in-one Lightning connector. Several rumorshave suggested Apple plans to nix the headphone jack and instead introduce a Lightning port that will support both charging and music playback with Lightning-equipped headphones.
With the iPhone 7, headphones will need a Lightning connector or a 3.5mm jack-to-Lightning adapter to connect to the Lightning port on the bottom of the phone. The device will also support wireless Bluetooth headphones.
2. Wireless Charging
Wireless charging is one of the main feature which may be new and not included in the previous versions of iPhones.
3. Wireless earphones & Powerful Battery
Since 3.5mm audio jack is much thick and is to be removed from iPhone. There may be different prospects of audio device. There may be two small lightning connectors or wireless audio devices.
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